Part 34: Mission 17 (America Route) - Separation ~ Friends
Mission 16 (Europe) and 17 (America) are their respective versions of the Separation battle. As I said before, a good chunk of events here are the same, so Ill just go over everything that changes in both missions in relation to how things played out in the Japan route.
First scene, the US version is identical to the Japan route, with Sumeragi and Sima Yi replacing Moritsugu and Zhou Yu respectively.
Same for the EU version, only theres a quick insert at the start where Makabe finally gets to thank Richard properly for the UXs help during the previous Festum attack (no problem, since it was work). Zhuge Liang and Scarlet lead the talks on this side.

Introduction of the other Fafner kids is the same, as is the moms convo by ALVIS CDC.

Next up we have the Fafner kids meetup after the sim ends:
In the US route, the only major difference is that, instead of Koyo complaining about them having to fight other people, is that we got absolutely no recognition despite risking our lives fighting. Seems to Kazuki and the others that the world doesnt think too well of the UX, and Koyo figures the adults and Soushi have a screw loose for buddying up with a group like that. From there, the rest is the same.
On the EU route, however, things change a bit since the Fafner kids havent had the chance to leave the island yet. Kazuki and Maya are there to praise the newbie trio on their growth as Fafner pilots, but Sakura doesnt wanna be coddled they still lost pretty handily. Fast forward a bit and Shinn and Luna arrive to meet them. Yeah, theyre back but on a mission, and things are expected to go down now that were here.
Will the newbies get a chance to deploy? Unlikely, as Kenji figures theyre just spares Kazuki and Koyo are the main boys. Lunas heard that Koyo was also nominated as a full Fafner pilot, a choice he himself made. After all, he clearly couldnt trust Kazuki and Soushi to handle things. He sure as hell doesnt accept Soushis willingness to sacrifice others for the mission.

The following scene with Arnie and Saya is absolutely the same, barring the different hangar theyre in.

By the Devils Ray, weve other folks accompanying Mizoguchi and Maya:
In the US route, Mizoguchis just as hyped to have the legendary Sima Yi tagging along. Lux is also there, but shes not sure how useful she could actually be having a beautiful princess nearby is always a major boost to morale, Mizoguchi explains! Mr. Mizoguchi, could you please take this seriously ? Maya sighs.
In the EU route, Mizoguchis hype is, of course, directed at the legendary Zhuge Liang. Mizoguchis quip about this being a simply fishing trip perks the Gundams ears(?), and he asks that we let him handle everything. See, he was quite the famous fisherman before meeting Liu Bei though thats not really what were doing here, of course. Scarlet is also on hand, THE best person to have for when shit hits the fan, and Mizoguchi figures her battle-hardened marine self being here means he can take it nice and easy. Maya sighs again.

Back at ALVIS, this scenes the same.

Mission 16 (Europe Route) / Mission 17 (America Route) Separation ~ Friends

Ditto for the scene before the battle, only, in the US route, its Aesap worrying about the investigation team (especially Lux, of course). Zhang Fei does the worrying in the EU route.
When Jin shows up, everything plays out pretty much the same, but theres this extra bit at the end, after Richard warns us about the Riot As generator:

Kariyas suggestion that we engage the islands Fenrir and Mizoguchi doing so are mostly the same.
In the US route, while the investigation team is getting ambushed, Lux actually cuts down a few Festum with her sword. She truly is the daughter of a Holy Warrior, Sima Yi sees (King Sakomizu taught her how to fight, though she didnt expect to need it today). Sima Yis memorized the map of the island and its now up to him to get everyone out as Mizoguchis read in the Thirty-Six Stratagems, escape is not defeat!
In the EU route, Scarlets easily gunning down the incoming Grendels (Zhuge Liang praises her skill, though does not understand her cussing he prefers it that way). Kongmings also got the map memorized, so Mizoguchi asks him to show the quickest way out: Ain't no sandstorm here and dummies won't fly with a bomb, so we just gotta book it!
Here are the unique convos people have against Jin across both versions:









When you kill Jins mooks, however, our less-than-experienced fighting humans Fafner kids in the EU route pitch in:

Kill the second one

And the third one

And, boom, weve successfully amplified the Fafner kids trauma several times more than the US and JP routes ever did.

Have a bonus, Kaz.

And the rest of the mission plays out pretty much unchanged: Jin goes down, Koyo gets mind-crushed saving Mayas team and we need to leave as the Fenrir goes off.
Of note, in the US Route, as Maya slaps Soushi for being insensitive to what happened to Koyo, Cao Cao intervenes: That is enough. Hurling insults at one another will not restore this man. There is only one thing that can be done to honor the fallen and that is victory! Shinn concedes that he has a point, but that hardly makes things easier on Maya and the others.

The scenes with Mizoguchi and Makabe, Richard and Saya are both the same, but Arnie, of course, has different company depending on the route:
In the US route, Marvel tells him that things hardly go the way anyone wants in battle. She understands that thats not any consolation, but its the truth. Shou, however, tells her to just leave Arnie be: theres no point in talking to someone whos keeping a wall around himself. Cham chides him, saying they need to be gentle at moments like this, but he disagrees: is gentleness all it takes for one to pull himself back together? He doesnt think so, remembering that he was just as grief-stricken after he killed Todd. Regardless, we all did everything we could to find Jin, but there was just not enough time.
In the EU route, its Zhang Fei and Guan Yu. Fei says Arnies not the only one whos suffered loss, pointing out that furface lost the love of his life in battle as well. Guan Yu tells him to lay off, but Zhang Fei wants to say this: everyone goes through a lot of bad crap, but they all pull themselves together and find the strength to carry on with their lives. Yes, it hurts like hell, but you cant just break down; he cant stand the sight of Arnie being this crestfallen. Guan Yu very much sympathizes with Arnies loss but, despite everyones best efforts, time simply ran out.
At the end of the America version, we get a couple of extra scenes:


Location: Kiriyama Heavy Industries Office